

The benefits of working with Seacrest Resource???

We are a true One-Stop Provider! From facility start up to paperless electronic record keeping, licensers, accreditation, compliance and outcome. One call to Seacrest Resource and we can do it all. Some of the benefits your organization will receive working with Seacrest Resource:

  • Community confidence in your facility increases when you meet the national standards set forth by health care professionals.
  • Seacrest Resource stimulates your organization to improve its quality.
  • Seacrest Resource provides staff education.
  • Speeds up third-party payments.
  • Positive effect on liability premiums.
  • Improve consideration for Manage Care Contract and In-Network Providers

Contact us to learn more about the benefits Seacrest Resource can offer to your company or organization.

Seacrest Resource Center provides accreditation and quality assurance services to Behavioral Health Care facilities throughout the US. Linda Potere, has served in administrative positions in licensed and accredited community mental health centers, psychiatric hospitals, and substance abuse treatment programs.

We are the team for you

  • If you are looking for a TEAM to bring your organization everything it will need for a successful survey.
  • If you are look for a Team to come in and assist you in implementing the JC standards and giving you all the tools.
  • If you are look for a Team to hand hold and walk you through the JC process.
  • If you are look for TEAM and not just a Consultant that only comes in and tell you want to do, then leaves, and then leaves you wondering what do I do now.
  • If you are looking for a TEAM with over 200 JC successful accreditations and how has a professional relationship with all of the JC surveyors.

“Linda was able to get you off to good start in working with data, you have Linda to Thank for that”

Joint Commission Surveyor
Joint Commission Survey

What makes us different?

We are a true One-Stop Provider! From facility start up to paperless electronic record keeping, licensers, accreditation, compliance and outcome. One call to Seacrest Resource and we can do it all. Some of the benefits your organization will receive working with Seacrest Resource:

  • We provide you all the tools for successful survey
  • We are One-Shop Consulting Firm
  • We have a TEAM of 15
  • We hand hold and walk you through the entire process
  • We have a history of over 200 JC Successful accreditations