Ms. McGrath reviewed and revised Medical Record policies and procedures. She assisted with the establishment of Medical Staff credentialing process through the design of forms and procedures needed to meet accreditation. The facility received a three year accreditation on initial survey in 1999.
Ms. McGrath reviewed and revised Medical Record policies and procedures. She created the auditing tools and reports for both concurrent and retrospective review of medical records, for a The Joint Commission Medical Record score of 100. The contract remains ongoing to assist with The Joint Commission survey preparations to begin in 2001.
Ms. McGrath has been the Medical Record Consultant since January 1998, responsible for all Medical Record functions. These include writing of policies and procedures, establishment of Clinical Pertinence auditing tools and reporting mechanisms, training employees in ICD9-CM coding and release of information, and attendance at Medical Record and Performance Improvement meetings. During the last The Joint Commission survey in 1998, with only three weeks preparation time, Medical Record policies and procedures were drafted and the delinquency rate was reduced to within standard. The facility received a score of 92 with a Medical Record score of 100. Ms. McGrath supervises a staff of five. She continues monitoring to ensure compliance with The Joint Commission, DCF, AHCA, Medicare and third billing recoupment.
Ms. McGrath has been the Medical Record Consultant since May 1997, responsible for all Medical Record policies and procedures. She assisted with the drafting of audit tools used throughout the agency. She provides guidance in issues related to the release of information, and conducts a monthly medical record meeting for all agency staff. Ms. McGrath assisted with the establishment of the credentialing process for their professional staff through the drafting of policies, procedures and forms. She participated in the last CARF survey in 1998 when the agency scored a 99. Ms. McGrath currently supervises a staff of ten, and continues to monitor to ensure compliance with The Joint Commission, DCF, AHCA, Medicaid and third billing recoupment.
Since April 1999, Ms. McGrath has been acting as a consultant for both the Medical Records Department and Medical Staff credentialing a privileging. Responsible for development of the Medical Record Department which included writing policies and procedures, the establishment of Clinical Pertinence policies and auditing tools, drafting of forms for release of information and the creation of a new numbering system and the unit record. She is responsible for training employees in coding and release of information. She coordinates and records all meetings for the facility which include Performance Improvement Safety/Risk Management, Medical Executive Committee and the Board. She performs the credentialing process for 30 members of the Medical Staff. She created new appointment and reappointment applications and designed a new filing system for the credentialing process. She is responsible for reviewing and revising Medical Staff Bylaws, Policies and Procedures and Rules and Regulations which had not been completed since 1993. Focus Health Care at High Point is now preparing for a The Joint Commission scheduled for February 20001. Continued monitoring ensures compliance with The Joint Commission, DCF, AHCA, Medicaid and third billing recoupment.
Ms. Carol McGrath has been the ongoing Director of Medical Records and Professional Staff Coordinator since November 1996. In July 1999, the position changed to that of Consultant with continued supervision of these same areas. Responsibilities include all functions of the Medical Record Department – coding, clinical pertinence, correspondence, transcription and auditing charts for completeness. Supervision and training of four employees in the areas of coding, chart auditing and release of information. Additional responsibility for the Medical Staff includes all functions involved in the credentialing of 115 professionals. During the last two The Joint Commission surveys, Ms. McGrath was responsible for the review and revision of the Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules and Regulations and Polices and Procedures. She was also responsible for the coordinating and recording of all meetings held at the facility, and assisting with all performance improvement activities. Ms. McGrath participated in The Joint Commission surveys in September 1997 and 2000 with an outcome score of 100 for Medical Records and the Medical Staff. Ms. McGrath currently supervises a staff of five.