At Seacrest Resource, we offer a full range of one-stop consulting services designed to help Behavioral Health Care Organizations achieve accreditation, electronically chart clients, maintain compliance and measure outcomes. We specialize in Behavioral Healthcare.
Our Services Include
New Facility Start-up
Are you thinking of opening a new Behavioral Healthcare Facility? With our one stop shopping with a turnkey approach we can have open and licensed within 60 days.
Preparation for Licensure and Accreditation Survey
Existing program policies and procedures are reviewed for compliance with application regulations and standards.
Policy Development
Policies and Procedures are drafted so as to be consistent with a program's staff structure and service delivery format.
Outcome Measures.
Embody meaningful, real life outcomes for people who are striving to attain and sustain recovery; build resilience; and work, learn, live, and participate fully in their local communities.
The Joint Commission Periodic Performance Review & Evidence of Standards Compliance Report.
Assistance in the completion and development of The Joint Commission Periodic Performance Review & Evidence of Standards Compliance Report.
Utilization Review & Quality Assurance
Medicare and Medicaid clinical chart audits and case reviews are conducted to ensure compliance with accrediting and payor guidelines and standards.
Credentialing & Privileging
Conduct Primary Source Verification for all employees and Licensed Independent Practitioners and conduct Peer Review Quality Assurance Monitoring for privileged staff.
Health Home Certification for the State of Maryland
Opening a new program in the State of Maryland we can help.
Continuous Survey Readiness
Are you ready for an unannounced survey? We don't just come in, tell you what to do, then leave. We will hold your hand and go the distance so that you are continuously ready for a The Joint Commission survey. The Continuous Survey Readiness (CSR) Program helps health care organizations focus on improvement while maintaining a state of readiness for a The Joint Commission survey.
Recoupment of Revenue.
Medicare and Medicaid corrective action plans with appeals and fair hearings for recoupment of lost revenues.
Eating Disorders
We specialize in assisting new program set up and State compliance for Eating Disorder Programs for both Adolescents and Adults.